Frigjør potensialet: En veiledning til ISO 30414-standarder

Velkommen til en omfattende veiledning om hvordan du kan frigjøre potensialet i organisasjonen din ved hjelp av ISO 30414-standardene. I en verden der‍ maksimering av menneskelig kapital ‍er nøkkelen til suksess, er det ‍essensielt å forstå ‍ og implementere disse standardene. Bli med oss når vi utforsker hvordan disse retningslinjene kan hjelpe organisasjonen din med å blomstre og ‍ oppnå sitt fulle potensial. Forstå viktigheten av [...]

Prediktiv HR-analyse: Fremtidens planlegging av arbeidsstyrken

As businesses continue to evolve, so does the workforce. Predictive analytics is the tool that can help you plan for future talent needs and ensure your company stays ahead of the curve. It’s time to embrace data-driven decision-making and harness the power of predictive analytics to build a talented team that will take your business to new heights.

Få mening ut av data: Arbeidsstyrkeanalyse for HR-ledere

Som HR-ledere har vi i oppgave å administrere og støtte den mest verdifulle ressursen i enhver organisasjon: medarbeiderne. Medarbeideranalyser kan hjelpe oss med å ta velbegrunnede beslutninger om å ansette, lære opp og beholde medarbeidere. Ved å utnytte kraften i data kan vi skape en mer engasjert og produktiv arbeidsstyrke som skaper resultater for organisasjonen.

Bruk av innsikt i arbeidsstyrken for å fremme mangfold og inkludering

In today’s diverse workplace, companies must focus on fostering diversity and inclusion. Workforce insights can play a crucial role in achieving this goal by providing valuable data to help identify gaps and opportunities for improvement. By leveraging workforce insights, organizations can create a culture of inclusivity that fosters creativity, innovation, and success for all employees. Let’s explore how companies can use workforce insights to make their workplace more diverse and inclusive.

Navigere i en verden av HR-analyser: En guide for moderne arbeidsplasser

As businesses become more data-driven, HR departments need to embrace analytics. But where do you start? This guide will help you navigate the world of HR analytics and unlock insights that can boost productivity, engagement, retention, and diversity. By leveraging technology, building a culture of curiosity, and upskilling your team, you can transform your workplace into a high-performing organization that puts people first.

The Employee Net Promoter Score – eNPS (Part 2 of 2)

The eNPS responses are classified into three categories: 0-6: Detractors: Detractors are employees that are extremely dissatisfied with their employers and actively promote unfavorable word of mouth. 7-8:  Passives:  Employees that are neither emotionally involved nor disengaged are classified as passive. 9-10: Promoters: promoters are exceptionally dedicated personnel who spread the information about the organization. […]

The Employee Net Promoter Score – eNPS (Part 1 of 2)

When employees are enthusiastic and invested in their work, they are more likely to perform at their best. A positive work atmosphere, increased opportunity, and open communication lines can all contribute to employee engagement. When employees are disinterested, their performance suffers. This has a long-term effect on the business’s outcomes, productivity, and profitability. Simply put, […]

Understand your workforce with Employee Personas

Shaping up Employee Personas have become a popular tool for organizations to provide more personalized and bespoke experiences for their employees. We have highlighted all you need to understand about employee personas in this article to provide you with the competencies needed to use employee personas in your workplace – and drive business growth through […]